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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Parenting: Toddler Development 24-35 months

Masuk Dec 2010, maknanya lagi sebulan usia Wawa nak masuk ke 3 tahun.

Wohoo!! Kejapnya masa berlalu. Mayb birthday kali ni tak buat spesel sangat sebab masa tu adik Wawa dalam pewot nih akan kuar anytime (hopefully bb kuar sama tarikh ngan kakaknya 07 jan 2011).

Kalu celebrate pun mayb kecil kecilan jek, setakat belikan kek n toy or books for her.

Today nak citer pasal my child development.

Before that, cut and paste from

Toddler Development 24-35 months
Review the physical, mental and social abilities and interests for younger toddlers aged 24-35 months. Note that these lists indicate average development - the age range at which the 'average' child can he expected to achieve a particular skill or develop a specific interest. The ages in the text are only approximate. Children develop skills at uneven rates - any one child may be 'above average' in one skill and 'below average' in another skill. For an individual child, the parent is the best judge of the child's abilities and interests at any point in his or her development. Be sure to talk to your pediatrician or an early childhood development expert if you have any concerns about your child's development.

Toddler Physical Development

  • skilled at most simple large muscle skills.
  • lots of physical testing - jumping from heights, climbing, hanging by arms, rolling, galloping, somersaults, rough-and-tumble play.
  • throws and retrieves all kinds of objects
  • pushes self on wheeled objects with good steering.
  • by 2 1/2 to 3 years, good hand and finger coordination.
  • lots of active play with small objects - explores different qualities of play materials.

Toddler Mental Development

  • interested in attributes of objects - texture, shape, size, color.
  • can match a group of similar objects.
  • plays with pattern, sequence, order of size.
  • first counting skills.
  • first creative activities (drawing, construction, clay) - process still more important than final product.
  • beginning to solve problems in head.
  • imaginative fantasy play increases - continued interest in domestic imitation.
  • fantasy play alone or with adult - child also makes toys carry out actions on other toys.

Toddler Social Development

  • main interest still in parents, but begins to play cooperatively with other children (especially 30 to 36 months).
  • uses language to express wishes to others.
  • engages in games - likes interactions with others - also some pretend play with others.
  • enjoys hearing simple stories read from picture books, especially stories with repetition.
  • strong desire for independence - shows pride in accomplishment.

From the list above, kebanyakan skills dah dapat dikuasai oleh Wawa.

1. Wawa sangat suka baca buku in her own way and language.

2. Wawa suke bercerita, again in her own way and language.

3. Wawa dah boleh bina ayat kalu nak bertanya, meminta atau bercakap ttg sst perkara.

4. Wawa dah pandai initative sendiri buat sst kalu dia perlukan sst. Contohnya, kalu sst benda dia nak berada di kedudukan tinggi dh pandai angkat kerusi or plg tidak angkat baldi and telangkup kan baldi tu berdiri atas baldi n capai benda yg dia nak. So clever!!

5. Dah faham bila ibu abah or opahnya marah mesti dia akan pergi kat satu tempat duduk sambil peluk lutut.. Merajuk..!!! Hehehe.. so funny bila tgk dia buat gitu.

6. Dan Alhamdulillah pencapaian paling bermakna bagi aku... dan aku sangat bangga dengan Wawa kerana pencapaian itu.

**Pada umur 2 tahun 8 bulan, dengan sekali training dia dh boleh berpisah ngan pacifier dia. Bila tgk ada budak yg sebaya Wawa masih lagi pakai pacifier, aku rasa bangga sbb dia dh boleh berpisah dari pacifiernya, dengan keinginan dia sendiri dan bantuan sedikit training.

**Pada umur 2 tahun 10 bulan sehingga sekarang masih lagi dalam proses training, Wawa dah tak pakai dypers lagi!!! Dan yg plg membanggakan (Alhamdulillah..syukur kepada ALLAH..), dia boleh tidur malam tanpa dypers... setakat ni takde la insiden basah di tengah malam.. hehehehe. Wawa pun dh pandai cakap nak pee pee and poo poo sendiri.. cuma nak kena train supaya dia boleh buat sendiri.

Another percent yg masih dalam observation and monitoring,

1. Belum pandai tanggal baju sendiri.

2. Bila Wawa asyik dengan sst, terutamanya bila depan tv dia macam susah nak menyahut panggilan kita bila dipanggil nama, kena tinggikan sket suara barulah dia dtg kat kita. Kenapa gitu ek?? Pendengaran dia ok, sbb kalu aku mintak dia dengar bunyi yg agak sayup2 dia boleh capture.

3. Masih minum susu guna botol susu. Camne nak bagi dia minum susu dalam cawan?

4. Minum susu lebih banyak dari makan. Kengkadang kena paksa smpi nangis2 nak suruh dia makan. Jenuh!!!!

Wawa, si budak nakal!

P/s: Mayb tak dpt hantar Wawa ke Taska next year. So, tunggu Wawa 4 tahun baru hantar.


  1. comelkan bila tgk anak2 kecil merajuk.. sweet sgt..

  2. hanis, yup..yup! will miss that moment bila dorang dh besar... :D


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